The Prudential Handbook for Investment Firms – Improve business & compliance (Client Records)

The Prudential Handbook for investment firms issued by the Central Bank of Ireland sets out in a simple usable format how to comply with good practice and The Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995 for firms authorised under section 10 (Financial Advisors & Brokers). Chapter 1 outlines the requirements that define the relationship and transactions (Supervisory & Reporting, Section 14 of Act) required for an Intermediary and the Central Bank. Chapter 2 sets out the books and records required under section 19 of the Act, and provides...

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Text & Tweet Protection – Protect your reputation

Irish company Digiprove announces  Text & Tweet Protect During the recent Presidential TV debate where information from a Tweet was used live during the debate and it was later admitted the Tweets claim was false, however the damage was done to the leading Independent candidate. Following this incident and several others where high profile individuals were misrepresented and a series of malicious Tweets issued, Digiprove looked to developing a simple, cost effective solution using its patented digital content security technology, which...

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Brokerprove (Compliance made easy)

“Brokerprove” =”Compliance made easy” Today Brokers are faced with many new and changing regulatory requirements following the global and local Irish financial crisis. It is understandable from a societal perspective that creating trust and confidence in our financial systems and services is essential and that business and consumers alike are willing to go back into the market for whatever services they need. That said the demands on Brokers & Advisors are ever increasing as regards paperwork, records ,processing information and...

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Can I make routine searching for Documents in my brokerage business a productive activity ?

As I meet with broker clients, whether a one person operation or a large professional practice, a common theme has emerged about the time wasted searching for documents. Both the professionals and the back office team loose productive time searching to find the correct documents one of the team needs, this may be related to a client query or a need to reference  during a client meeting out of the office, or perhaps to confirm compliance or provide a supplier with some important policy or client information. The challenge is often the same in...

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Cloud can be better than local for document access and retention

The question came up many times when I have spoken with clients and prospects: Is my data safe in the Cloud? I normally respond with another question: What do you do today to secure your data? Most clients tell me their data is stored on their server behind a firewall, and on PCs and laptops belonging to their staff, with some local storage and some access to server data. Some also have business applications such as document or case management systems of which data may be stored locally on their application server or in more recent years they...

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